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Welcome to CDCB's Electronic Manuscript Submission Web Site

The following screens will guide you through the electronic submission process for submitting a new manuscript to CDCB conference.
We strongly recommend that you read our Information for Contributors and Directions for Electronic Submission. During the submission process you will be asked to provide or transmit the following:
  • Names and addresses, including email addresses, of all authors
  • A Text version of the title and abstract (you can paste this in from your manuscript file)
  • A text version of the cover letter. This should include a statement of the main point and relation of the paper to prior work, list of colleagues who have reviewed the paper, and future contact information of the corresponding author. We will ask you to paste this in as text. Please do not upload a "cover letter" file.
  • File(s) containing the manuscript and figures. These must be in one of the following formats:
    • pdf (portable document format)
    • ppt (PowerPoint) 
    • doc (Microsoft Word).

All text, references, captions, and tables must be in one file only; figures, tables, and Supporting Online Material can be included also in this file (our preference) or sent as separate files, one for each complete figure. Files in other formats or that do not end with the appropriate file extension will not be accepted.

Please call 86-551-3607141 or email to mklcd@ustc.tsg211.com

if you are having problems with this web form or uploading your files.

©Laboratory of Cellular Dynamics, USTC, All Rights Reserved.
Address: Laboratory of Cellular Dynamics, University of Science & Technology of China, Hefei, Anhui 230027, China
Tel: +86(551)3607141, 63607821 Fax: +86(551)63607141 Email: USTCLCD@ustc.tsg211.com or xgao@mail.ustc.tsg211.com