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The 8th International Conference on

Cellular Dynamics and Chemical Biology

July 23 ~ 26, 2024; Hefei, China



Conference Web: http://cdcb.ustc.tsg211.com                       Conf. Coordinator: gaox@ustc.tsg211.com

Coordinator: 86-551-63607141  

MEETING VENUE                                                      ACCOMMODATION FOR SPEAKERS

Life Science Building Auditorium, USTC                  Crowne Plaza

443 Huangshan Road, Hefei 230027                         438 Huangshan Road, Hefei 230027        

©Laboratory of Cellular Dynamics, USTC, All Rights Reserved.
Address: Laboratory of Cellular Dynamics, University of Science & Technology of China, Hefei, Anhui 230027, China
Tel: +86(551)3607141, 63607821 Fax: +86(551)63607141 Email: USTCLCD@ustc.tsg211.com or xgao@mail.ustc.tsg211.com